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Free range farming suggests that the animals are able to range freely outdoors. Usually, you can find the label “free range” on eggs and other chicken products or beef products.

Higher-welfare food from free range farming

Normally, animal foods that are sold in supermarkets come from “factory farms”. At these kind of farms, often massive number of animals are confined to very small spaces. The ability of animals to move around is rather difficult due to the measurements of the space they are provided. Their conditions for living are, therefore, fairly difficult.

Plenty of the popular meat and egg brands are produced from animal farms raised under the worst conditions.

Good news is, you as a consumer can avoid these factory-farmed products such as meat, dairy and eggs by shopping at farmers markets in your city. Did you know that these markets are known for providing high-welfare foods that are nutrient dense keeping animals at free range farms? You can also always ask the farmer how their animals were raised and maybe you can even visit the farm yourself.

“Free range” label

Further, products that originate from a free range farming are often labeled. It is for us consumers to be able to differentiate products and their origin. Afterwards, with our awareness, we are able to choose products that best fit our wants and needs. Staying informed is the key. That is why you have the right to know products you are buying in more detail.

As a most common standard is for producers to make a visible “free range” claim on the packaging. I am sure you have already noticed that when making grocery shopping.

I want free range farming products

The best way of helping free range farming is to buy their products!

One thing that differentiates these products from the ones originating from factory farms is often their price. To allow the animals having proper conditions for living means providing them with enough of space and quality food. And that cost extra money. While at factory farms, the food and space provided for animals is rather of a worse quality.

What differentiates these two types of farms is business thinking and maybe also their morals and ethics. Probably every business aims to create profit, it depends what lengths you are willing to go to do so. Are you going to compromise animal’s well-being for profit?

However, there is market for both. Some consumers are more price-sensitive and prefer products that are just cheaper. The nutritious value or a product’s origin does not seem to be their concern. Many NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and other activists raise their voices about this issue.

free range farming

Choose what you eat

Now that we understand the difference between free range products and those that originate at factory farms, next time at supermarket we can make a conscious decision  for ourselves.

Certain foods on the market are, unfortunately, produced from animals that have been slaughtered or raised in inhumane manner. Free range farms prevent the involvement of animal suffering while producing food. And I think we can all agree that animal suffering should be avoided at all times!

Industrialised operations at animal farms to maximize the profits by treating animals not as alive creatures, but as production units should be recognized and stopped. Thousands of animals raised at a single location, animals confined at tight quarters not allowed to behave naturally.

Choose yourself a different scenario, different nutrition for your body. Improve your health and every day mood even if you need to pay a price that is a little bit higher. At the end of the day, the price you pay is for your well-being and well-being of those animals.

Spread the word!

Other ways of helping free range farms are very simple and everyone can do that. Once you have made your decision and your buying choices are clear, just spread the word. Inform your friends about what you have just found out. It will cost you nothing. Include also family, neighbours and co-workers in this discussion.

Maybe you can share your insights via social media? Or maybe you are the type of a person who wants to participate hands on?

Then search for volunteering possibilities at animal farms in your city if you have the required resources, such as enough of time and willingness to get your hands dirty.

You can always become one of the vocal activists that help to spread the word by becoming politically active in your city or even a country. Report animal cruelty and start supporting change in legislation as of today!

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