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Organic farming is: a production system that is managed to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.

What is organic farming?

Organic farmers do not support the usage of different chemicals in order for the harvest to grow. For example animal manures and crop rotations serve to fertilize the soil. In order to increase the health of the harvest, or soil itself, farmers maximize the biological activity. That way they are able to maintain long-term soil health.

Natural biological control allows for farmers to keep and manage various weeds, insects and diseases. Organic farming puts high emphasis on biodiversity. Biodiversity helps maintaining the overall agricultural system and environment running properly.

Animal’s wellbeing is very dependent on the surroundings they live in. The better conditions, the better likelihood of quality of dairy and non-dairy products there is. Rotational grazing and mixed forage pastures for livestock is an alternative health care for animal wellbeing.

Did you know that synthetic pesticides and fertilizers contain hormones and antibiotics? Well your organic food diet does not have to suffer from that aspect, if you opt for grocery shopping at local farmers markets!

And not only that. Another very important aspect of organic farming is for generations to come. Farmers at organic farms focus on renewable resources, soil and water conservation. Further, they are paying attention to management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological balance.

In our everyday lives, we might not be aware of these aspects, we might not consider them. However, once you develop at least some knowledge about where your food comes from, you can never go back.

A farmer helping with organic food diet

There is an old image of an organic farmer. A small land, just a couple of animals and a little bit to harvest. That idea is already long gone. Some of the organic operations have been very successful in the past. As a result, larger corporations have noticed a powerful market potential in organic foods.

Some organic farmers organized themselves into successful cooperatives. Some of the largest organic cooperatives around the world consist of more than 500 organic farmer-members. These farmers are very successful at marketing their organic products such as dairy, beef, pork and poultry.

Overall, farmers farming organically essentially believe that their methods are better for the environment. Many often seek a safer food supply. As farmers say themselves:

The main motivation for us going organic is out of a certain stewardship ethic toward the soil, the earth and ultimately, for mankind.

organic food diet

Switching to organic farming requires more of a major philosophical shift. Organic farmers are essentially trying to get the ecological system harmonious and work along with it. They are not trying to override it. Often farmers who decide to turn to organic farming solely to capture the market potential fail. Organic farming requires honest and pure intent.

In organic farming you are not treating the problems, you are treating the causes of the problem. Farmers need to recognize that every decision they make will affect other aspects of the system. The system is very complex and intertwined.

Only if farmers are able to take into consideration all these aspects of organic farming can they help you to achieve your organic food diet. Do not hesitate and support them by making  conscious decisions when going for grocery shopping!


So, now we are fully aware we have a choice to buy the food we want. Firstly, organic food is healthier, more nutrients dense. Secondly, buying food from organic farmers we are helping the community to grow. The food is containing fewer pesticides, no artificial fertilizers, no antibiotics and is not genetically modified. Last but not least, organic farmers align with higher animal welfare standards.

It is important to mention that the population on planet earth is increasing. With increasing population, we are facing new challenges everyday. One of the biggest challenges is to feed people in a healthy and sustainable way. Organic farming helps to stabilize the agricultural production in a sustainable manner, that is good and beneficial for all of us.

Natural balance in our ecosystem needs to be preserved at all costs for our current and future existence. We are capable to make the obvious choice everyday, by supporting our organic food diet.

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